Welcome to SableVM! Project Description ------------------- SableVM is a portable bytecode interpreter written in C, and implementing the Java virtual machine specification, second edition. Its goals are to be reasonably small, fast, and efficient, as well as providing a well-designed and robust platform for conducting research. You are welcome to install, test, and report back your comments, suggestion, and bug reports using the different features (mailing-list, bug tracking software, etc.) found on the http://www.sablevm.org/ web site and its related http://sourceforge.net/projects/sablevm/ SourceForge project page. We also have an IRC channel called #sablevm on irc.freenode.net, where you can chat with developers. Installation ------------ Please carefully read the installation instructions in the INSTALL file. Note that the usual "./configure ; make install" is not sufficient to get SableVM to work, unless you already have downloaded and installed the class and native libraries. The typical symptom of missing libraries is the error message "could not create vm". Joining ------- You are welcome to join the project as a developer, as long as you have maintained a "clean-room" status. In simpler terms, you should not have had access to confidential material under license terms that precludes contributing to the development of SableVM. [Having signed the Sun community source license or any similar non-disclusure agreement, for example, would be such a situation]. There are many interesting project opportunities, and if you need some ideas feel free to contact us about it. Important information for all developers can be found in the HACKING file, including more detail on the license and copyright terms that all developers using the SableVM Subversion repository at svn.sablevm.org must agree to. Additional Information ---------------------- You will find more information about this version of SableVM in the NEWS file. Please carefully read the Copyright notice and license terms in the file LICENSE, and do not forget to read the names of all authors and copyright holders in the AUTHORS file. Enjoy!