University of Texas at Austin

Department of Computer Sciences

Product-Line Architecture Research Group

Roberto Erick Lopez-Herrejon

May 2002



This web page explains the contents of the BENCH directory. 

First the names of the benchmarks and their contents is described, then the file format used in those files is explained.

We developed a random graph generator that produces files in that format. If you would like to use it to generate more examples please send us an email. 

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc please let us know.

My email address is

Benchmark files

The following are the benchmark files:

File Format

The benchmark files are plain text files with the following format:

NumVertices                                       number of vertices
number of edges
directed=1,   undirected=0 
self-loops=1,  no self-loops=0
         unique = 1,  repeated = 0
e11 e12                                               
edge 1,  e11 is first vertex e12 is second vertex
... more edges ...
weight for edge 1
weight for edge 2
... more weights ...

Each row ends with a "\n" character.