This directory includes a modified version of the code which can be found at: under the heading for "Using AspectJ to Implement Product-Lines: A Case Study" ----------------------------------------------------------------- What was changed: 1. made the code work for ajc 1.1 (previously written for ajc 1.0) - had to include private constructors in many classes, so that intertype declarations could be used to put the ordinary public constructors there. If the orginal classes have the default constructor (public), then an aspect class cannot put one there. This additional check was added in ajc 1.1. Here are those changes:{ private FinishTimeWorkSpace() { super(); }{ private Graph() { super(); }{ private Neighbor() { super(); }{ private NumberWorkSpace() { super(); }{ private RegionWorkSpace() { super(); } private Vertex() {super();}{ private WorkSpaceTranspose() { super(); } - in, replaced static long Graph.last=0, Graph.current=0, Graph.accum=0; with static long Graph.last=0; static long Graph.current=0; static long Graph.accum=0; (is this a bug in ajc, it would not accept the first one?) 2. added and - changed many occurences of System.out.println to MyLog.println and System.out.print to MyLog.print - DoPrinting just defines MyLog.println and MyLog.print to call System.out.println and System.out.print - NoPrinting just defines MyLog.println and MyLog.print to do nothing 3. added so that longer timing runs could be made 4. edited Example1.lst and Example2.lst to include new files 5. added Time1.lst, Time2.lst and Time3.lst for timing runs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This program can be compiled using ajc -argfile with the following: Example1.lst - testing example 1 Example2.lst - testing example 2 Time1.lst - timing example 1 Time2.lst - timing example 2 Time3.lst - timing example 3 ---------------- If compiled for the first two cases, then the program is run using a command like: java GPL.Prog ./BENCH/MSTExample.bench v0 and by default the file is included which will cause a lot of output. ---------------- If compiled for the last three cases, then the program is configured to do larger examples suitable for timing and should be run with something like: java GPL.ProgTime 1000 10000 400 2 13, where the arguments are: num_vertices num_edges max_weight num_repetitions seed and by default the file is included instead of, so only the minimal amount of output is given.